Saturday 17 October 2015


Week 114 is Our Sexy Love

     “Jimmy, you ready?” Beth’s voice startled Jimmy. He looked over his shoulders to see the same soft expression she’d had on her face for months now. Her eyes glassed over a little with pink. She was definitely going to cry her eyes out at this event.
     Licking dry lips, Jimmy told himself to get over whatever nerves he had. Nothing was going to go wrong. This was what he wanted. This was what Kevin wanted, and Jimmy was going to give it to him, no matter what.
     A quick check showed he still looked his best. Jimmy wiped his hands down the front of his jacket, making sure it was smooth, even though he already knew it would be.
Turning back to Beth, Jimmy took in a deep breath and looked out over her shoulder at Kevin, in the same tux he wore. In his mind, Kevin looked a million times more dashing of course!
     There he stood, Kevin, waiting at the main door for Jimmy, like he always did. And always would do.
     The love of Jimmy’s life, and the man he’d do anything for, stood waiting for Jimmy to get his act together. Then, they could walk the few metres together and cement their lives together. Their forever.
     Official papers and all.

And onto the pimping and other random facts linked to this hop

My Kevin

Life, is what we live. It’s what we breathe. It’s who we love.

This is the story of Kevin and me; I’m Jimmy. Our story is not long, and it’s not complex. It’s not something to cry over, and it’s certainly not something to moan about. Our story is simple, and for that, I feel blessed, being able to grow, live, laugh, and love with the one person I was meant to be with.
It has been that way for as long as I can remember.

I’m grateful for your click, and I sincerely hope you’ll come around next week.
Click here for the post it originated on, or click the next on the list in the linky below

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